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This collection is ideal for filling in the gaps between paving stones, path edges and small gaps on a rockery in sun or part shade, helping to soften the lines and minimise weeds. Able to withstand footfall, the slight crushing of the thymus leaves will release wonderfully aromatic oils along your way.


Create a colourful tapestry effect with our 5 different varieties of creeping alpines, all hardy and very low growing. The prostrate thyme is also very attractive to pollinators.


All plants will be in 9cm pots and ready for immediate planting.

Alpines in 9cm Pots for Cracks and Crevices in Sun or Part Shade

  • The photos show 5 varieties as previously despatched:


    • Veronica repens (white, blushed pale blue flowers)
    • Pratia pedunculata 'County Park' (mid-blue flowers)
    • Thymus praecox 'Albiflorus' (white flowers)
    • Leptinella squalida 'Platt's Black' (bronze and lime fern-like foliage)
    • Pratia pedunculata 'Alba' (white flowers)


    We may substitute any of the above varieties such as Hypsela reniformis, Thymus 'Bressingham', Sagina 'Aurea', for a different creeping alpine that suits this collection. If you'd like to check first, before ordering, contact us by email or telephone.

    All in 9cm pots and ready for the garden.

The Alpine and Grass Nursery


Northgate, Pinchbeck, Spalding, Lincolnshire. PE11 3TB


Customer Services: 01775 640935

Stephen Willerton: 07548 203318

Hayley Willerton: 07749 269584

For any Questions, drop us a line:

© 2014. Growing alpines for over 30 years.

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