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Celebrate our Queens's Platinum Jubilee with our patriotic red, white and blue Alpine Collection. Create an eye-catching, regal display, in containers, old sinks, rockeries or raised beds. Great for pollinators too! Not only will it look wonderful straight away but the alpines will keep coming back every year as a perfect memory of our Queen's special occasion.


Makes a perfect gift (add to box a greeting of your choice such as Happy Birthday Grandma! xx).

20 Mixed Alpines with red, white or blue flowers in 9cm pots

  • This carefully selected alpine collection provides 20 alpines with flowers in shades of red, white and blue. There will be some that are compact, a few cascading forms and a few attractive to pollinators too. You will receive 10 varieties, 2 of each variety: 8 red, 6 white and 6 blue.

    Photos show examples of red, white and bue alpines that have been included in previous collections such as Sisyrinchium 'Sapphire'; Helianthemum 'Ben Ledi' and Erodium 'Album'. Your order will be chosen on the day before despatch and will include fresh, current varieties.

    All plants will be in 9cm pots and ready for immediate planting.

The Alpine and Grass Nursery


Northgate, Pinchbeck, Spalding, Lincolnshire. PE11 3TB


Customer Services: 01775 640935

Stephen Willerton: 07548 203318

Hayley Willerton: 07749 269584

For any Questions, drop us a line:

© 2014. Growing alpines for over 30 years.

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